EMR Integrations

Make Work Faster, Simpler

putting the puzzle together

Reduce work and save time!

Are you looking for super easy, user-friendly software to take the dread out of doing the before and after photo process? Look no further! With the 4D EMR and BRAG book integration you can get fully SEO’d before and afters onto your website in less than 2 minutes.

4d laptop transfer

Are you looking for super easy, user-friendly software to take the dread out of doing the before and after photo process? Look no further! With the 4D EMR and BRAG book integration you can get fully SEO’d before and afters onto your website in less than 2 minutes.

Download 4D EMR Info Sheet

Before I started using BRAG book and 4D EMR, I could have spent easily an hour on a single patient set. Now, using the 4D EMR direct to BRAG book feature, I can do about 20 in the same amount of time.

~ DeLuca-Pytell, MD
Dr. Danielle DeLuca-Pytell, BRAG book since 2021

How it works

The BRAG book integration with 4D EMR streamlines the process of publishing before and after photos to your website. This integration allows practitioners to efficiently verify marketing consent, and publish photos to website galleries with just a few clicks. See how easy the process is.


In the patient record, click on the Media tab, verify marketing consent, check off the photos you want to publish, and then click send to BRAG book.


In the BRAG book Dashboard, click the Upload button, select the Imported Library, drag and drop the images into their before and after columns.


Patient information automatically populates from 4D EMR.


Review your work, and submit.

No more double uploads, no more repetitive data entry. With this integration you can add your before and after photos to your website in as little as 2 minutes.

~ Robert Pollack, MD,
Founder & CEO of 4D EMR
