New Ways to Let Your Before and Afters Do the Bragging

New Features, great news

Thank you for being a BRAG book customer. We’ve just completed a round of updates and want to share them with you.

  • New integration option: carousel for procedure pages of your website or Google ads landing page.
    If you use it for a landing page for Google Ads be sure to select photos that don’t show nudity.
  • Tap to enlarge on a mobile device and double click
    to enlarge on a desktop
  • Resolution update for retina displays
  • Before/After overlay feature added to crop tool to
    size and match your photos easier

We are in the process of finishing these new features:

  • Automated Schema/structured data for SEO
  • Export B&A set to make an Instagram post
  • For Red Spot clients, import tool transfers photos from your current gallery into BRAG book

Remember to upload often. Before and afters are one of the easiest ways to keep feeding Google relevant content. Users love them too. We consistently see the before and after page rank in the top 2-3 pages of every website.

Don’t forget that BRAG book comes with a tablet app to let you display your photos in your practice. Let us know if you’d like to use it and we’ll show you how.

Thank you for being our customer, we appreciate you and take your feedback seriously. If you have an idea for a new feature, let us know!